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Welcome to ‘The Essentials’ Section!

Many women strive to do their best in dealing with their obligations and applying the laws of menstrual bleeding. However, they often struggle to navigate the complexities in distinguishing between various types of blood: menstruation (hayd), post-natal bleeding (nifas) and irregular bleeding (istihada). The tutorials in this section aim to help you gain clarity and understanding of how to differentiate between these types of bloods. They are brief and structured in a way to make the information accessible and easy to understand. Whether you are a beginner or have some knowledge on the rulings associated with hayd, we are confident the content will be beneficial.  


Is This for Me?

Menstruation is a part of every woman’s life. For a young girl, it will mark her entrance into womanhood and the point at which she is responsible for her worship in accordance with Islamic laws (Shari’ah). For a woman, it will be a constant part of her life, through monthly cycles, pregnancies and even menopause. Given the way hayd and nifas are so intimately connected to a woman, it is imperative that she understands the rules that govern them. She must know when she is obligated to pray and fast and when she must abstain from certain acts of worship. 


How to Read These Tutorials?

‘The Essentials’ is divided into 10 sections, each containing a series of short tutorials. Going through them will ensure that you have the basic knowledge required for each topic. 


How Long Will it Take to Complete This Section? 

It’s important that you move at your own pace, so you gain maximum benefit from the tutorials. Read each one thoroughly and take notes, so you retain the information. Encourage a family member or friend to join you, so that they can also benefit from the knowledge and you can create a study group to review the material.

