Do I Need to Wash Istihada
Salaams, a question I had was if a female experiences irregular periods, is it essential that she washes her private area for each namaz before she does wudhu?
From personal experience, I am a person with irregular periods and so I wash myself before each namaz, but I am seeming to be developing an infection in my private area as well as irritation etc.
I also suffer from chronic vaginal discharge so hence why I like to clean myself before each Namaaz. Would it be suffice to just wipe down with a tissue or something?
Please advise further.
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
If the irregular bleeding/spotting (istihada) has spread beyond its place of exit to the body, it will be necessary to remove the impurity with water. If it has not spread to the body, it will not be necessary to wash the area with water. Nonetheless, it is better to opt for caution in this regard. This ruling will also apply to chronic vaginal discharge. For more information refer to this article on Vaginal Discharge.
You may use a kursuf (a piece of cotton placed at the vaginal opening) to prevent the blood or discharge from exiting during prayer.
And Allah knows best.