Articles Sexual Intimacy During IstihadaAlthough most women will experience irregular bleeding (istihada) at some point, it’s often confusing and leads to uncertainty in pr...
ArticlesTerminology Types of Purity (Tuhr)The days of purity between each menstrual cycle are called tuhr. In the same way the number of menstruation (hayd) days can change f...
Articles Rulings for the Excused ‘Ma’dhur’When a woman experiences chronic discharge or istihada, it can be difficult to keep performing wudu. If the flow of discharge or ist...
ArticlesHajj & UmrahMedical Taking the Pill for Hajj & ‘UmrahHajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a once in a lifetime journey that brings a Muslim to the sacred city of Makkah and t...
Articles Masjid or MusallaBy Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera What exactly is a masjid? Is there a difference between a masjid, musallā, and jamāt...
ArticlesTerminology Types of Women in Respect to BleedingIn respect to their bleeding, women are categorised into three groups: A Woman With a Habit (Muʿtada) A woman who has a habit...
ArticlesMedical ContraceptionThere are many contraception options available to women, each with its own associated risks and side effects. When it comes to contr...
Articles ‘Iddah & Menses‘Iddah is the waiting period a woman observes after she is divorced or widowed. The primary objective of ‘iddah is to ascertain whet...
Articles Ectopic PregnancyAn ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilised egg implants outside of the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. This type of pr...