KursufQ&A What Can be Used as a KursufSalaams, What can be used as a kursuf? Jzk Answer In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth It is a piece of cotton (kursuf) measu...
Excused PersonQ&A Wudu for the Excused PersonAsalamu alaikum mufti saheb. According to the translation of Birghivi’s manual, section 9.13 (page 69), the excused person (ma...
Q&A When a Young Girl Reaches PubertyAssalamulaikum. Does a girl become accountable the minute she starts her first period, regardless of age? My daughter started aged o...
Q&A Why is Discharge ImpureI was looking at the section on discharge, and it said that any vaginal discharge is both impure and breaks wudu. This makes me wond...
Q&A Why Are Hayd Rulings DifficultAssalaamu alaikum..I wanted to know why the topic if haidh is soo complicated if its something every girl or woman should know about...