Q&ASalat Praying With DischargeAssalamu alaykum, I understand that if a woman sees discharge less than the size of the concave of her palm she doesn’t need t...
PurityQ&A Purity After MenstruationUnder the hanafi fique, Can you advise what the sign of purity is after menses? I have been following the ruling that dry spell, or...
PurityQ&A PurityAs salaam alai kum I have recently stopped the pill which I Was taking for my hormonal Imbalance. I bled for 5 days and on day 6 had...
Q&ASalat Praying with Irregular Bleedingالسَلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتُهُُ ﷽ 1) When bleeding is istihadhaa new wudhu has to be done for each salaah. Ca...
FastingQ&A Period Started While FastingI would like to know if I need to continue fasting if my period comes during the day. I was having really bad cramps and was unable...