Yellow Discharge During Purity
I hope You are all in good health, in sha Allah. Ramadaan Mubarak.
My questions are as follows, please. I highly appreciate your guidance.
– I experience a great amount of Yellow Coloured Discharge; which is clotted, thick and usually does not flow out of the vagina itself but is noticed by wiping the inside of the vagina, etc. This discharge is not due to an infection as I have been tested for this, and have I discussed this discharge with my doctor and it seems to be normal for me. I am also certain that the discharge is in fact Yellow in colour, when it is fresh and not oxidised.
I experience this Yellow Discharge in my days of purity (alongside Clear Discharge), sometimes during my days of Haidh (prior to proper (red, pink, brown) bleeding and at its end) and I recently experienced this Yellow Discharge alone with a very small amount of proper blood last Haidh cycle. This Yellow Discharge sometimes appears once and then it is not noticed again until a few days or longer, and at other times its frequency is more.
* I would like to importantly note that I do not always experience this Yellow Discharge during my days of purity and instead experience Clear Discharge. Recently though I have been experiencing a large amount of Yellow Discharge, perhaps due to recently coming off the Progesterone Only Pill.
Do I regard this Yellow Discharge as Haidh? If I should do so, can you advise me on how I can confidently determine my purity from it, and when to perform a ghusl; as I explained it may appear once and then not again for a long period of time, and then I become unsure of when to perform a ghusl and resume Salaah?
– I have a question regarding the bleeding of Haidh. Sometimes the blood does not flow out the vagina and is only noticed when wiping the inside of the vagina, in this case, will this blood be considered as Haidh or does the blood have to naturally flow out onto the sanitary towel?
– I have a question regarding one’s Purity (Tuhur) habit. Do I have to determine a Purity Habit, for example 20 days fixed between my two Haidh Cycles, or is it sufficient to regard any bleeding over 15 days or more to be Haidh. I completely have no knowledge of what my Purity Habit would have been from the time I began menstruating.
Please kindly keep myself and all in Your Prayers, in sha Allah.
This Platform is a great source of essential guidance and pivotal benefit for the Muslimaat, ma sha Allah.
JazakAllahu Khairaa,
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
If a woman regularly sees yellow discharge throughout the month, it will not be counted as menstruation (hayd). However, it will affect the validity of her ablution (wudu). From what you have described, you routinely have clear and yellow discharge in your purity days. In your situation, it will not be counted as hayd. You can reference our article on discharge for more information.
Regarding the onset of hayd – it is not necessary for the blood to flow out of the vagina onto a sanitary pad. It is sufficient to see the blood when wiping. You can reference our article on the start of hayd for more information.
As for your question regarding purity (tuhr) – the number of purity days between each menstrual cycle can fluctuate. If you experience irregular bleeding (istihada) in the future, you must refer to your most recent habit as opposed to the purity you had when you first menstruated.
To determine your current habit, you will check your record of bleeding. A valid purity will meet the following criterion:
- A minimum of 15 days
- Free from any coloured discharge or spotting
- Came between two valid bloods, i.e. a blood that was between 72 – 240 hours
If you require assistance with calculating your habit, please re-submit your question via the website with details of your last 3 cycles, prior to the onset of irregular bleeding.
And Allah knows best.