Do I Count Brown Discharge as Hayd
AssalamuAlaikum. My question is regarding calculating the exact start and end date of hayz. If the hayz continues for more that 10 days, would thats start be at the 1st sight of discolouration discharge even though is may not be blood? Would you end after the 10th night? So for example, if it started mid day on the 1st of a month. would you count the 1st as one day and that as one night or, effectively ending exaxtly after the 10th night, do you need to count in a 24 hour cycle where the 1st -2nd is one day and then effectively you end only on the 11th at mid day? If this is the case then you could miss 11 fasts in stead of 10?
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
Any coloured discharge seen in the possible days of menstruation (hayd) is hayd and this would mark the beginning of your cycle.
The maximum for hayd is 240 hours (ten days and nights). If a woman bleeds beyond the maximum, the general principle is that she reverts to her last valid habit for hayd and purity.
As far as recording hayd, a woman must note the start and end time of any bleeding/coloured discharge using hours and minutes. The days will be counted in 24-hour increments. Based on the time a woman starts and ends, and if it spans multiple days, she may miss 11 fasts, as you have mentioned.
You mentioned that the discharge you see at the beginning of your hayd is brown – there is an allowance to disregard brown discharge if it keeps the total days of hayd within 240 hours. This allowance is specific to brown discharge – any other coloured discharge must be counted as hayd.
And Allah knows best.