Wudu for the Excused Person
Asalamu alaikum mufti saheb.
According to the translation of Birghivi’s manual, section 9.13 (page 69), the excused person (ma’dhur) must perform wudhu after the excuse occurs in a particular prayer time, for his state of wudhu to not be affected by the excuse; otherwise the excuse occurring will break his wudhu.
The entrance of the prayer time alone is not enough make his wudhu not affected by the excuse.So for example:
Fajr time enters;
An excused person performs wudhu;
The excuse then occurs for the first time in this prayer time;
Now he must perform wudhu again to pray;
After he performs wudhu again, the excuse continues to occur, but he is still in a state of wudhu until sunrise.Is that the correct understanding?
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
This is correct. An excused person (ma’dhur) should perform his ablution (wudu) after the excuse has occurred. Otherwise the occurrence of the excuse will invalidate their wudu.
And Allah knows best.
Answered by Umm Huzayfah
Approved by Menstrual Matters Team