Question Concerning Ghusl
This may sound like a silly question which I apologise for –
During ghusl we have been advised that each part of the body needs to be wet without a single part being left dry; However, how can a person assure the inside of the Amal area is fully wet with no part being left dry? What if a person doesn’t manage to clean them-self properly inside and in between that area?
I suffer from back pain and sometimes exert self as I can’t assure myself that in between the anal area has been fully wet and washed.
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
It is not a silly question at all. For your concern regarding following the teachings of our deen, you will be rewarded.
Yes, the entire body should be washed including all those areas where water can reach without undue difficulty. It is not necessary that water reaches the “inside” of the anus. Ensure that water reaches around the area without exerting yourself.
And Allah knows best.