Should I Fast if I Have Spotting
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktu
Respected aapa
I am 47 years old.
I am normally very regular with my haidh.every month like clock work I get it after 16 or 17 cleans days and I bleed for a full 10 days..it has been like this for years.this month I was over due and then I I bled very little, after 24 clean days. took it as haidh , but then I did not bleed for the whole day, and nothing the next day and after 2 and half days the discharge is clear , not even brown or red.Must I wait the full 3 days to see if it’s haidh.or must I start reading my salaah and keep my roza as this is totally against my normal.
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
When bleeding is intermittent, you should not wait for 72 hours (three days and nights) to pass to fast or pray. Rather, you evaluate the obligation of each prayer. If you do not see any bleeding/spotting in a prayer time, you offer that particular prayer. You can delay the prayer until the end of the recommended time.
Similarly, if you stop bleeding at night and do not see any blood at Fajr, you must fast. As there is no certainty the bleeding will return, the utmost precaution must be exercised when it comes to obligatory worship, such as fasting and praying.
If you bleed/spot again after keeping a fast or praying, retrospectively it will be considered menstruation (hayd). However, you will not be sinful, as you based your decision on your condition at that time. The fasts will be rendered invalid and you must make them up (qada) after Ramadan.
Please note that if the bleeding stops before 72 hours and does not return for a minimum of 15 days, it will be considered irregular bleeding (istihada). However, if the bleeding continues for at least 72 hours, or returns again within 15 days, it will be hayd. If the total bleeding exceeds 240 hours (10 days and nights), you must refer to your bleeding record to determine which days are hayd and purity.
And Allah knows best.