Doing Ghusl at Work
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Respected apas pray you are all in the best of health and imaan.
I have a question that was asked to me regarding girls who may become pure from Haidh during school hours ,what are they required to do?for instance it could be that they become paak at zuhr time in school but cannot take a ghusl therefore have a ghusl after school which results in zuhr prayer being missed.will they be sinful?
Also if girls have done this previously missing salaah intentionally and not having ghusl at the required time for instance they may not have realised that they should be waking up in the night and checking before fajr time if they are paak so they just did ghusl once they wake up in the morning there fajr is now Qa’dah but if one was not aware of these masaail do they still have to do Qadha of all
Missed salaah like this?
I hope my question is understandable.
Jazakillah Khayr for your time and efforts may Allah swt reward you immensely.
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
If a female knows she is nearing the end of her menses, she should plan her day to allow for ghusl as much as possible to avoid missing any prayers. Some schools/workplaces allow for flexible working patterns or have shower facilities where she can complete the obligation of ghusl and attain ritual purity.
According to the mainstream position of the Hanafi school, fear of missing the obligatory daily prayers and Friday prayer (jumuʿa) due to its expiry time is not a valid reason for tayammum. However, the minority opinion from Imam Zufar is that it is permitted to perform tayammum in order to offer prayer in its time without making up the prayer (qada’).
The most cautious approach for a woman in this situation is to perform tayammum and offer the prayer in its time out of sanctity for the prayer time, but later do ghusl and repeat the prayer.
A female is obligated to check before the end of each prayer time and perform ghusl, if necessary, to complete the prayer. If this was not her practice and she has missed prayers, she must make up these prayers even if she was not aware of the rulings at the time.
And Allah knows best.