Is Yellow Discharge Hayd
Assalamu alaykum WW
I had my period for 8 days and then I had my 15 days of purity. Throughout my whole purity I have been on istihaadha(yellow but clear discharge) so the discharge that comes after 15 days will that be considered Haydh?
Also sometimes my discharge is clear mixed with yellow but also sometimes it’s very pale yellow so I’m unsure whether it’s a cream colour discharge or not. What is the ruling regarding yellow and clear and cream discharge all seen at once?
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
If the yellow discharge seen throughout a woman’s days of purity (tuhr) is the same shade of yellow seen at the start or end of her menstruation (hayd), it will not be considered hayd. Please note the colour of discharge is considered when it is fresh/wet. To determine the exact colour of discharge, we recommend using a kursuf, which also helps maintain purity for prayer.
Please refer to our article on the Kursuf and Discharge for more information.
And Allah knows best.