MenstruationQ&ASalat Are Prayers Excused During MenstruationWhen your period starts and it was during Salah time and you didn’t pray the Salah that was due, , do you have to do qadr missed pra...
MenstruationQ&A Fluctuating Menstrual HabitSalam, I get extremely irregular periods and have absolutely no sense of habit. My cycles have gone from 109 days to 41 days to 68,...
MenstruationQ&A [:en]Bleeding Exceeds Maximum[:][:en] For the last couple of months up to a year, I have been bleeding over 10 days during my period. My habit prior to that was aro...
MenstruationQ&A Medication to Delay MenstruationAssalam o alaikum. I am a doctor working in NHS. I have to take a very important exam from 17/04/2023 to 21/04/2023. Its a practical...
MenstruationQ&A Intercourse During Possible HaydAssalamu alaykum, Is it permissible to have intercourse during a time when one is not bleeding but there is potential that that time...
MenstruationQ&A Entering the Dome of the RockAssalamuAlaykum, InshaAllah you are well. I was wondering what the ruling of entering the Dome of the Rock building would be conside...
MenstruationQ&A How to Count Menstruationالسلام عليكم و رحمة اللّٰه و بركاته I hope you are well. I am aware that menstruation/haidh is regarded as bleeding between 3 –...
MenstruationQ&A Is Coloured Discharge MenstruationAssalamualaykum pray you are well IA, May I ask, can I pray if I have a dark reddish discharge around the time my period is due to s...
MenstruationQ&A Bleeding During PregnancyI did a prevannxy test last week which showed I was 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. Since thay time I’ve had spotting which is less tha...
MenstruationPurityQ&A Reduced Number of Habit DaysJazakumullah khair If my last hayd before my complete purity of 25 days, was 6 days, then why is the hayd habit only 4 days ? Also,...