Checking the Colour of Discharge
Asked on 27/10/22:
This question is regarding the case for which the last answered question was Question ID: MM/2021/a3cd9.
My sister in question still hasn’t seen any blood so has been continuing to read salaah however she is unsure about something and due to her being a beginner and experiencing this all for the first time anything she sees when she wipes or on her liner distresses her and she looks a lot into it to the point where she is in tears.
Firstly my question is, is it necessary for her to keep checking the fresh discharge because as mentioned before it is causing great distress to her and she is spending unhealthy amounts of time in the bathroom.Secondly, we know grey is a period colour. Once on her liner she says she saw grey parts and it was dry. Other times when she has wiped to check the the fresh discharge she has seen grey but she thinks it’s just the tissue that looks like that because it is wet. Another time she saw the light yellow discharge she normally sees but she says she saw grey in the middle. Other times she has seen grey and she is unsure if it is actually discharge or just wet tissue. Can you please advise whether she should class these times as period/blood?
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
It is commendable that she is so cautious about her purity and steadfast at a very tender age. May Allah in His mercy preserve this goodness. Ameen.
She does not need to be distressed about keeping a check on it at all times as Allah is very merciful and kind toward His servants. Please inform her to be cognizant, but not to specially check the colour of her discharge. Whenever she goes to relieve herself, she may check.
About the colour grey; if she has a strong inclination (galib guman) that it was discoloured discharge but it lasted less than 3 days and she remains clean for 15 days or more, that purity will be considered invalid. However, it will not be classified as menstruation (hayd). If her galib guman is more toward purity, she may keep it that way.
Another thing to be mindful of is that the private area of young girls is quite sensitive, so if she keeps wiping, she may get an infection or the skin could get irritated.
And Allah knows best.
Answered by Umme Nusaybah
Approved by Menstrual Matters Team