Is it Hayd or Istihada
I have always had an irregular period since I became baaligh . I have never had a fixed menstrual cycle . I gave birth 5 months ago and I am breastfeeding. I have not had a period since my nifaas. 3 days ago however I noticed blood when I used the toilet but there was nothing when I wiped or on my panty liner so I continued fasting. The same thing happened the next day. Slight mucus like blood in the toilet but nothing on the tissue or liner. This morning I noticed some blood on my panty liner. Is this a period? When did my period start in order for me to keep qadha fasts? Please note I am not experiencing other period symptoms like cramping etc
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
Any coloured discharge seen in the possible days of menstruation (hayd) is hayd. The bleeding/spotting must reach the minimum threshold of 72 hours (3 days and nights), not exceed the maximum of 240 hours (10 days and nights) and be followed by a purity of at least 15 days. It is sufficient to see the coloured discharge when wiping and it is not necessary for it to reach the liner.
From the information you have provided, your spotting is coming after a complete purity. If it continues for 3-10 days, it will be hayd and you must make up (qada) any fasts that were missed. If the bleeding/spotting exceeds 240 hours or is followed by a purity less than 15 days, you must refer to your habit in hayd and purity to determine which days are hayd and irregular bleeding (istihada).
The start time for hayd is from when you first saw the bleeding/spotting. We strongly recommend that you keep a detailed record of all instances of bleeding/spotting as hayd is based on a woman’s habit and not on physical symptoms, such as cramping.
Allah knows best.