Kursuf and Urinary Incontinence
1.I have a problem of discharge after I come out after urinating or after bathing, what i dont understand is whether that discharge is the drops of urine or the water which i used,
2.I also suffer from urine incontinence after i drink a big glass of water Sometimes
3.plus i even suffer from white discharge,
so i hv been using kursuf since some years such that it is placed in the labia minora vertically covering the complete space,
Recently i did your womens essentials course wherin it was said that to place the kursuf like a tampon is Makroohe tahreemi. My question is,
If i place the kursuf in the labia minora vertically(1 full tissue folded) , and if these drops come out during my salah will it break my wuzu,
Will it be Makroohe tahreemi in my case too wherin i suffer from urinal discharge as well?
(It becomes really difficult to concentrate in my salah without the kursuf as i m always scared about the discharge, nd its diificult to repeat the wuzu and salah over and over with small kids around)
JazakALLAH khair.
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
Placing anything inside the vaginal opening is prohibitively disliked. However, if a woman has excessive discharge or irregular bleeding (istahada), it is permitted for her to block the discharge or stop the bleeding by blocking the vaginal opening. In such cases, placing the kursuf internally is permitted without dislike. Please see the following on using a kursuf.
Urine exits from the bladder via the urethra and vaginal discharge exits from the vagina; both are separate tracts that are not connected (See diagram here). Whilst a kursuf can be used to stop the discharge from exiting the vaginal opening, it will not block urine from exiting the urethra. If you are experiencing urinary incontinence, the drops of urine will invalidate your ablution (wudu) every time.
If the drops of urine are almost continuous you may qualify as an excused person. See the following links for the rulings pertaining to an excused person.
How Does the Excused Person (Ma’dhur) Pray – Zamzam Academy
And Allah knows best.