Q&A When a Young Girl Reaches Pubertyasmaisakjee25/06/2021 09/07/2021Assalamulaikum. Does a girl become accountable the minute she starts her first period, regardless of age? My daughter started aged o...036200
PurityQ&A Purityasmaisakjee23/06/2021 04/12/2021As salaam alai kum I have recently stopped the pill which I Was taking for my hormonal Imbalance. I bled for 5 days and on day 6 had...033100
Q&A Is My Discharge Menstruationasmaisakjee22/06/2021 05/07/2021Assalāmu ‘Alaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh My periods are irregular and after sorting it out with a mufti i know my tuhr days an...040600
Q&A Bleeding After a Medical Procedureasmaisakjee19/06/2021 05/07/2021Assalamu alaykum, A sister had a laparoscopy and she is having some vaginal bleeding – the doctor has mentioned it is consider...030400
Q&A Can I Make Ghusl When I Reach My Habitasmaisakjee18/06/2021 21/06/2021If I know that my period is going to exceed 10 days and 10 nights, then instead of waiting until 10 days and 10 nights to make ghusl...036700
Q&ASalat Do I Need to Redo My Prayerasmaisakjee08/06/2021 04/12/2021A woman sees a spot of red blood in her haydh days. She then sees nothing there after. So she carries on praying salaah as well as p...035800
Q&A Is Time for Ghusl Included in Haydasmaisakjee04/06/2021 05/06/2021Assalamualaikum wrwb I understand if she finished bleeding at 10 days, you won’t count the ghusl time. But isn’t it that...035800
Q&A Should I Wait to Perform Ghuslasmaisakjee03/06/2021 07/06/2021My question is as follows: ever since I got married and started using contraception my cycle has been very different – not it’...069100
FastingQ&A I Never Tracked Qada FastsZainab Khan03/06/2021 04/12/2021There are 6 Ramadans for which I needed to make up fasts, but I don’t know how many days. The problem is twofold: first, I nev...033300
MenstruationQ&A Is Bleeding In Placebo Days My Haydasmaisakjee31/05/2021 04/12/2021السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I have a query regarding my periods, if you can please assist. I have very irregular periods, I just...038900