Using a Kursuf
A person uses a kursuf to keep their wudhu due to frequent discharge, sometimes after a bowel movement they see a small amount of staining on the kursuf when they take it out. They definitely wash themselves properly and make sure there is no impurity there before placing the kursuf, however when the kursuf is removed there is some staining on it. Sometimes this is immediately after a bowel movement or sometimes it occurs later in the day (ie the kursuf used straight after the bowel movement is fine, then later in the day when a kursuf is used there is some staining)
Will wudhu be valid for those salaah that are prayed in this time or do they have to do qadha once they take the kursuf out and see the staining?
In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth
There are two ways of using a kursuf:
- External kursuf – it is placed between the labia minora, at the vaginal opening, and secured between the labial lips. This type of kursuf is not placed inside the vagina.
- The external kursuf helps to derive legal rulings as it stops discharge from undergoing a chemical change.
- If the discharge is wet, exits yellow on the kursuf and dries white, it is legally considered blood. It will be menstruation (hayd) on days of hayd and it will be post-natal bleeding (nifas) on days of nifas; otherwise it will be dysfunctional uterine bleeding (istihada) and it will break wudu.
- Internal kursuf – it is placed inside the vaginal opening and is used to block blood/vaginal discharge, similar to how a tampon is placed.
- As long as the blood/discharge does not reach the edge of the vaginal opening, ablution (wudu) will remain intact.
It is not clear from your question whether an internal kursuf was used? If it was an internal kursuf, wudu will remain intact as long as the discharge did not seep through and wudu was not broken in another way. The prayers will be valid.
However, if an external kursuf was used, wudu will be nullified and it is advisable to make-up the prayers carried out with that wudu, unless one can guarantee the wudu was broken after performing the prayers.
Please see link for more information on the kursuf and its usage: https://mensesmatters.org/knowledge-base/using-a-kursuf/
I pray this helps and has clarified some of your concerns. Please do contact us if you have any further queries.
And Allah knows best.