MenstruationQ&A Intercourse During Possible HaydAssalamu alaykum, Is it permissible to have intercourse during a time when one is not bleeding but there is potential that that time...
MenstruationQ&A Is Coloured Discharge MenstruationAssalamualaykum pray you are well IA, May I ask, can I pray if I have a dark reddish discharge around the time my period is due to s...
PurityQ&A Insufficient Purity Between Bloodsالسلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته I previously learnt the rules of hayd as 10/15 days as you must be aware of. I have now studied the prope...
OtherQ&A Is Spotting Part of HaydAssalamuAlaykum, from late few months I’m having blood spots before my actual menstruation start. Whenever I check sometime it...
Other Intermittent Brown DischargeWhen my period is due i see spotting (brown) during a certain time of the day, then it stops and then a couple of hours later my per...
PurityQ&A Incomplete PurityAssalamu alaykum ww I have started istihaza from 19th of December and I’m not sure if I have to consider my period after the 1...
FastingQ&A Is Fasting Accepted if Ghusl is InvalidRecently I’ve realised the ghusl i have been doing for Haidh over the past few years would be considered invalid as I missed out one...
Marriage & DivorceQ&A Intercourse During Early BloodSalam If a lady experiences early menstrual bleeding, and the number of days that she is early in addition to her hayd habit exceeds...
NifasNifasQ&A Is My Nifas DoneMy first nifas habit is 40 days . Now with my 2nd child i stopped bleeding at 6th day , now since last 3days it is clear so do i hav...
Q&A Is My Discharge MenstruationAssalāmu ‘Alaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh My periods are irregular and after sorting it out with a mufti i know my tuhr days an...