FastingQ&A Should I Fast if I Have SpottingWhitethread14/04/2021 04/12/2021Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaraktu Respected aapa I am 47 years old. I am normally very regular with my haidh.every month like...02K00
Q&A Does Discharge Break WuduWhitethread14/04/2021 18/04/2021If a woman regularly has discharge, can her Wudhu alone be acceptable or does she need to do ghusl all the time before praying / fas...047100
Q&A Irregular Bleeding Due to IUDWhitethread12/04/2021 19/04/2021Assalaamoalaikum Please can I ask you some advice regarding bleeding pattern and praying with an intrauterine coil that is releasing...044200
Q&A Insufficient Purity & HabitWhitethread11/04/2021 15/04/2021Since feb 11th I didn’t have a period then on the 26th of March until midday 27th March I had a light period and then on 30th March...041100
Q&ASalat Invalid Ghusl & PrayersWhitethread10/04/2021 04/12/2021Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. I pray this finds you in well being inshaAllah. I would like to ask, if after studying...042600
Q&A My Bleeding is IntermittentWhitethread10/04/2021 18/04/2021Assalamu alaikum I am a 34 years old mother of 5 children. I got a non hormonal iud inserted 4 months ago. My period since then has...040700
Q&A Is Coloured Discharge HaydWhitethread09/04/2021 18/04/2021Salaam. I have always had very irregular periods due to pcos and have had to take the pill for years to regulate things. I have also...042000
Q&A Can I Use a Menstrual CupWhitethread08/04/2021 18/04/2021Is it okay Islamically to use a menstrual cup as a more eco friendly alternative to sanitary towels? Answer In the name of Allah, th...060300
MenstruationQ&A My Very First Hayd Exceeded 10 DaysWhitethread07/04/2021 04/12/2021My daughter is 11. She first got her period last month on the 13th March. She bled for 13 days. After 10 days she had a ghusul and b...042300
Q&AQur'an Keeping up with Hifz During HaydWhitethread07/04/2021 04/12/2021Can hifz students revise or recite quran from memory or without touching the mushaf during menstruation? Answer In the name of Allah...057400