PurityQ&A Cleaning Pubic Hair & GhuslAssalamualaykum, Should a woman remove her pubic hair before or after ghusl? I’ve asked my Apas these questions and I get mixed resp...
KursufQ&A Can a Virgin Use a KursufAssalamu Alaykum Can one use kursuf in order to retain wudu just for convenience? Or is there a legal restriction as to when one can...
OtherQ&A Checking the Colour of DischargeAsked on 27/10/22: This question is regarding the case for which the last answered question was Question ID: MM/2021/a3cd9. My siste...
NifasQ&A Coloured Discharge During NifasAssalamu alaikum, I hope you’re well InshAllah. I finished my nifas and saw clear discharge and made ghusl and prayed my eisha salaa...
OtherQ&A Cleaning the Private Partsmentioned in the title Answer In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth Cleaning one’s private parts with water (istinja’) t...
Marriage & DivorceQ&A Calculating My IddatAssalaamu Alaikum Please can you advise. I’m currently observing iddat as a result of Divorce. Since I have irregular menstruation ,...
Q&A Can I Make Ghusl When I Reach My HabitIf I know that my period is going to exceed 10 days and 10 nights, then instead of waiting until 10 days and 10 nights to make ghusl...
Q&A Coloured Discharge After Hayd HabitSalaam, my bleeding stopped completely by day 8 of my cycle so I performed ghusl on a Friday before fajr and resumed fasting and pra...
Q&A Can I Touch the Qur’an During HaydSlmz. I hope this question is appropriate to your platform. I am allowed to read books such as hayatus sahabah while menstruating. T...
Q&A Counting My Regular Days as HaydI have been prescribed the medication VISANNE for the treatment of endometriosis in Feb 2020. It has since changed my regular cycle....