Q&A I Have Irregular BleedingWhitethread03/04/2021 18/04/2021AssalamuAlaiykum For the past couple of months i have had a very regular period E.g September 5th-13th October 5th-13th November 15t...042000
PurityQ&A My Purity is Less Than 15 DaysWhitethread02/04/2021 04/12/2021What is the ruling if someone comes on their period on the 13th day of their tuhr? If the person has a normal habit of a 22 day gap...059000
FastingQ&A Can I Get a Pap Smear While FastingWhitethread31/03/2021 04/12/2021Does having a cervical screening nullify your fast? Answer In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth According to classical Hanafi...088000
Q&A Doing Ghusl at WorkWhitethread31/03/2021 18/04/2021السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Respected apas pray you are all in the best of health and imaan. I have a question that was asked to...01K00
NifasQ&A Rulings Regarding NifasWhitethread30/03/2021 04/12/2021If a person miscarried their baby and bleeding had come to an end – prior to the end of 40 days, can the person perform ghusal...042000
Q&A Ruling on Clear/White DischargeWhitethread29/03/2021 18/04/2021many females are constantly getting discharge even in their salaah. the colour is white or clear and doesn’t have a stench. th...052800
Q&A My Bleeding is IrregularWhitethread27/03/2021 18/04/2021Aslmkm bismillah.I am 49 and have always has a very regular 28 day cycle With a 6-7 day menstruation. This month I had a normal 7 da...040900
Q&A My Post-Natal Bleeding is IntermittentWhitethread26/03/2021 18/04/2021During nifaas every time I thought I was getting paak I would be spotting again every 2/3days But now since few days as I’m in...034700
Q&A Can I Cut My Hair & Nails While MenstruatingWhitethread25/03/2021 18/04/2021Salam On the website under misconception, the following is said: Misconception 1: It is not permissible to trim/cut hair or nails wh...01.3K00
Q&A Irregular Bleeding Case StudyWhitethread24/03/2021 18/04/2021assalamu alaikum, my question is regarding some irregular bleeding i have been getting over the past month. My periods come regularl...043500